Monday 13 January 2014

The History

So a lot of people have been asking me why?? why take on this challenge?
The answer goes back a few years. After following another blog, which no longer exists :( (What Katie Wore) the premise of which was that Katie would wear a different outfit everyday and post them online.
Me and my friends, Sarah and Laura decided we fancied trying to be more creative with our wardrobe and set a challenge to save us money (we were poor students at the time) and to get our creativity flowing. We decided that for 12 weeks we would wear a different outfit everyday and that we wouldn't buy any new clothes (do you see a similarity with this current challenge?!?) Its safe to say that at the end of the 12 weeks i had only used a small fragment of my wardrobe and both Sarah and Laura joked that i could have carried on for a year. So that was in 2009 and this year 2014 that year has come, sort of :)
I thought i would share with you some of the outfits i have worn over the last 5 years Enjoy :)





 As promised here are three from this year so far :)

Monday 6 January 2014

The Blog Begins and the challenge with it

So often January rolls around and the resolutions are made, the excess of Christmas is to be forgotten and this year i wanted to do something a little different. I have set myself a challenge from the 31st of December 2013 to the 1st of January 2015 i will not be shopping.

No that's right! no Festive pennies spent on sales. No mad dashes to Topshop for the latest must have. Instead i will go back to that age old tradition of 'Make do and mend'.

This blog will be my way of keeping me on track and fr you to all hold me accountable to the rules and in return i shall share my outfits, DIY projects and Cooking and Baking delights :)

So lets tackle the 'nitty gritty'.

The Details

For the next year i must not buy any clothes/shoes/pajamas or accessories or unnecessary undergarments. However i must attempt to wear a different outfit as frequently as possible.

The Rules

1- Sports bra’s/ bras and running/gym trainers (these need replaced regularly for health reasons) can be purchased as can any necessary run wear (emphasis on the necessary!).
2 – Gifts; I am allowed to accept clothing items as gifts but only on main event gift times IE Birthday, Christmas or Anniversary – No spontaneous gift giving of clothing items will be allowed (i will not be being rude i will simply be unable to accept).
3 – The year will start from 9pm New years eve 2013 (Hogmanay) and will end as the bell chimes heralding in 2015.

4 – I will blog every outfit wear.
5 – I will share any DIY outfits made from re-used existing items. Fabric for any DIY must already be in my possession unless purchasing less that 1meter for trimmings.
6 – NO exceptions for events including the two weddings I will be attending. 

so here we go :)  359 days left.